Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang



Regarding blocking, muting other users' works, and adding banned words


MediBang Inc.

■About blocking■
You can limit what certain users can do to you by using the block system.
A blocked user will not be able to see your comments and topics, and they will not be able to follow you.

【Important notes】
- If you block someone you follow, you will automatically unfollow them.
If they follow you, they will automatically unfollow you.
You will not be able to follow someone you blocked, so if you want to follow them, you need to unblock them.

- If there are comments or direct messages before blocking them, they will be deleted, and will not be restored by unblocking them.
- You will not be able to see comments and topics of the blocked user.
- A blocked user can view your artwork and add to their favorites. You can also view their artwork.
- The block system only works if they are logged into the blocked account.
If they are not logged in, or they log in with a different ID, they will be able to see your comments and topics.

【How to block / unblock a user】
You can block /unblock a user by going to their my page.

■About muting■
Muting will hide manga/illustration from the user from various places of ART street.
This will not work with certain areas.
The muted user will not know about it. You can unmute them any time.

【When muted】
- The user's artwork will be hidden from places such as new illustrations, topic, ranking, recommended, popular, searches, etc.

【How to mute / unmute a user】
You can mute / unmute a user by going to their my page.

■About banned words■
If you ban a keyword, comments containing that word will be hidden from your artwork or topics.

【How to add a banned word】
After logging in, go to the "Add a banned word" on the left menu of the link below. You can add or delete a banned word from there.

[Setting Page]