Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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So i went to good ol Barnes and Noble today and was looking for CDs to buy (i get some of my CDs there), but there were no MCR CDs (which was what i was specifically looking for) unfortunately :(
But before we left i took a look in the graphic novel section to see if they had any Umbrella Academy, and THERE WAS!! Luckily it was the first volume and it was the ONLY one there
I told my mom that i wanted it and she looked at the cover like i was crazy or something lol
I spent 20 bucks on this book and i have NO REGRETS AT ALL :DDDD
(Honestly tho ive been wanting this book for quite a long time, specially since it was written by Gerard Way, one of my fav people, and it seemed interesting :D)
Well, gotta go read this book! :D

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Farrel's Backstory

Well first off:
Name: Farrel Simons
Age: Bloody old
Species/Race:Nightmare Demon
Sexuality: Homosexual
Lover/Friend: Mike

Farrel is a nightmare demon, who lives on earth with people who have superpowers or some shit, His lover, Mark, is half Llama (His Mum is a llama and dad is a human =P) They became friends after talking when Farrel's sister got a boyfriend, Trevor, Trevor and Mike were really good friends so they met.

Mike tried to get close to Farrel. They finally did and then (dramatic shit coming up) TREVOR WAS ABUSING HARLEY (Farrel's sis. Told yah it was dramatic) And then Farrel he fought Trevor and then Harley committed suicide and Farrel was depressed trying to hold in the tears and ended up crying in Mike's arms <3

That is the crappiest thing I have ever written feel free to rewrite this shit in the comments xD
Welp, there you have it, Farrel's backstory, theres a lot more tho...

Peace *2*

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