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سآخذ أكبر عدد ممكن
I will take as many as possible
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سآخذ أكبر عدد ممكن
I will take as many as possible
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New coloring experience تجربة تلوين جديدة
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Watercolor الوان مائية
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Adya Contest مسابقة أديا
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سآخذ أكبر عدد ممكن
I will take as many as possible
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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haloooooooooo worlddd
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Knao Tsuyuri
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I tell him why you were stealing and he responds to me, SURE
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I tell him why you were stealing and he responds to me, SURE
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I tell him why you were stealing and he responds to me, SURE
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I tell him why you were stealing and he responds to me, SURE
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شاهد الجزء اليسار انه مليء بالعمليات الحسابية، لول. في هذه الخربشة حاولت استخدام أقل عدد من العمليات
Watch the left part, it's full of math operations, LOL. In this sketch I tried to use the fewest operations
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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قال ابن الجوزي ـ رحمه الله ـ: «فمنهم ـ أي: الحمقى ـ هبنَّقةُ، واسمه: يزيد بن ثروان ويقال: ابن مروان أحدُ بني قيس بن ثعلبة. ومِن حمقه أنه جعل في عنقه قلادةً مِن وَدْعٍ وعظامٍ وخزفٍ وقال: أخشى أن أُضِلَّ نفسي ففعلتُ ذلك لأعرفها به، فحُوِّلت القلادةُ ذات ليلةٍ مِن عنقه لعنق أخيه، فلمَّا أصبح قال: «يا أخي أنت أنا، فمَن أنا؟»
Ibn Al-Jawzi, may God have mercy on him, said: «Among them - meaning: the fools - is Habanaqa, and his name: Yazid bin Thurwan, and it is said: Ibn Marwan, one of the sons of Qais bin Tha'labah. And from his foolishness, he put a collar of Money cowry, bones, and earthenware on his neck and said: I am afraid that I will missed myself, so I did that to know her with him, so one night the necklace was turned from his neck to his brother's neck, so when he wake up he said: "Brother, you are me, who am I?"»
اخبار الحمقى والمغفلين News Of Fools and Fools
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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My colorful draem read desc حلمي الملون اقرا الوصف
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban
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أنا متحمسة حقًا لشهر رمضان. تبقى 62 أو 63 يومًا - الامر كله حسب شهر شعبان
I am really excited for the month of Ramadan. There are 62 or 63 days left - depending on the month of Shaban