Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

A Little Update

So I'm going to be leaving the DreamSMP community, sort of. I like the lore (some of it) and character designs but I'm just not feeling into it as much anymore. I might draw fanart for it every now and then but I hardly ever check the streams and videos out. I also find that the community is very toxic almost all the time, its getting harder and harder to find fans who aren't jerks. That's the big reason why I'm sort of leaving. The content creators are ok (most of them at least) so that's why I'm still going to watch their content, like Ranboo and Slimecicle are probably going to be the only two people from the dsmp I will still watch because I genuinely like their content.

So, to summarize I'm going to leave the dsmp community due to toxicity and will only be watching a few of the streamers and avoid dsmp content.

This also effects my dni now as well. If you are a dsmp fan please do not interact with me just to talk about the dsmp. Do not bring the community up around me anymore please.

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Ok I am going to bed. I need to rest for tomorrow if I want to draw/animate. I plan on trying to finish that animation meme tomorrow but no promises it might take longer. I also plan on doing more of those dialogue pictures with my LD ocs. I also want to do Ollies contest before it ends, I have been thinking about it and I think I have the perfect oc to use. Have great day/night! ❤

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  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Don't worry, I'll get it done in time!

  • goodnight, Amber!! ooo, i cant wait to see your submission!! the contest ends in like a few days, so- but i can give you an extension if needed

What? :D

Um ok wait lets do some math guys. Ready? Haha ok so my parents and sister left at oh I would say about 4:30 pm today, it is now almost 9 pm so that's I would say 4 hours and 30 minutes? Idk I'm bad at math but I do know that's a long time! I'm fine with being left alone during the day, but the night is where we cross the line. I love the night but not when I'm alone! I'm starting to freak out a little bit so I'm going to be in vc (on my discord) panicking (No mic probably sadly) if anybody would like to come and laugh at me while I draw some sprites for art fight.

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  • > 🌿AɱႦҽɾ_Dɾαɯʂ🌿 oh, that's good lol. i'm so glad you're safe!!!

  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Oh don't worry they are back now! But it was very spooky, luckily they made it back before it got super dark.

  • oof, being alone at night sounds scary. i've been home alone, but never at night lol

  • XD OH gosh I feel ya, I Spent like 4 days alone once and then a week later, I spent 2 days alone!!! It freaked me out when night time came around :(


I'm going to draw some hk fanart. What character should I draw?
1. The Pale King in his lab! 👑
2. The Hollow Knight in his chains! ⛓
3. The Knight sitting on a bench! (comment which bench)🪑
4. Hornet outside the open black egg! 🕯

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  • > SAMMY_DRAWS Indeed Omg yesss, the bootiful pk fork

  • > Zote I agree U_U Pk is a bootiful ✨fork✨ I found a white fork and now we call the fork pk

  • > SAMMY_DRAWS Pk looks like a fork That's why he's so bootiful, cause he do be looking like a fork and nothing is more bootiful than ✨fork✨

  • 🪑

I'm Bored

Send me some ocs to draw

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  • > Zote I'm glad you like my LD oc's! And yeah I have kinda grown out of my hk ocs. Don't get me wrong I still love hk and my hk ocs, they just don't feel the same anymore. And don't worry I didn't take offense, everybody has their interests.

  • > 🌿AɱႦҽɾ_Dɾαɯʂ🌿 I like the LD ocs, they're cute and all (I especially like Rem) but I really do miss the hk babies and just the hk babies, idrc about furries or backroom related stuff (this is in general please don't take offense from this)

  • > Zote Oh yeah! I totally forgot about them and kinda replaced them with my backrooms oc's. I'll try and draw her as soon as possible.

  • Your oc Sage - I wanna see the hk babies again, I kinda miss them

I just Realized Something

I have more male oc's then female oc's. I remember back in 2021 and 2020 I had waaaay more female oc's. I think it was because female hair was easier to draw and I am a female myself so I knew the anatomy of a girl pretty well. But now I have more male oc's. How did that happen?! 🤔

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  • Yeah that happened to me too, my first male oc was a furry oc That was named snowflake. Might draw him so you can see

  • I had that problem before too, when I drew more female OCs back in 2017. It feels way weird than I thought it would. - -"


Warning: Mentions of alcoholism, self harm, suicide, and depression (I'm fine btw I'm talking about oc's and a idea I have)

I have this idea to make character designs based of of some disorders, stuff like alcoholism, and depression. Idk I just thought it would be neat plus I would get to do some cool research on these kinds of things.

Also I have been thinking about some later lore for my "Backrooms" oc's. I might be bringing them over to a very familiar dimension soon instead of the Backrooms after I rap up their lore in the Backrooms. I have been thinking about making William an alcoholic because the new dimension he will be placed in does indeed have bars and alcoholic beverages. Although I'm not sure since he already has a few other things wrong with his head like his depression really starting to kick in and he start to become a bit suicidal going as far as cutting himself. So I'm not sure if I want to make him an alcoholic, I could dial down the depression and intrusive thoughts more considering the new dimension he will be in is one he is very familiar with and then maybe I could do that. I'm not sure, I am going to have to expand on the lore more before I can come to a final decision.

And that was a peak into what its like to making my oc's lore! Anyway tell me what you think of that disorders/problems as oc's idea.

I did not proof read this post woooooo!

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  • > 📺 ꪜꫀ᥊᥊ꪗ📺 I have thought about that although I have already given him some intense past lore that was really rough for him, and also his current situation isn't the best so he has already developed the depression so in this new dimension when he finally gets the chance to drink and "escape" he takes it. I have also removed the sh from his lore because it didn't fit.

  • this sounds pretty cool, if you did make William an alcoholic I feel like it would be a cause for the depression and sh thoughts


Tomorrow I am going to start that animation meme, I said as I grabbed my good drawing tablet for my pc and started making a William & Nathaniel comic. I am very bad at doing what I say im going to do. Anyway have a great day/night lol! ❤

Medibang Exclusive Message: I really miss Hunti, like a lot. I was scrolling through my old dms and saw my dms with Hunti. I was also looking at her page and I really miss her. I seriously wish she didn't go to only cookie run kingdom. If anybody can contact her tell her I said hi and that I miss her. Ok thats enough sadness for tonight, go eat a bag of Doritos because I said so. >:']

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Good Morning

I woke to find that me and Jen Jen bith made it super high in the rankings! My drawing went up 1,421 places oh my god. I think this is the highest I have ever been in the rankings before and the most places I have gone up from. :0

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  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Oh ok then, well goodnight

  • > 🌿AɱႦҽɾ_Dɾαɯʂ🌿 np!! and uh yeah- it's 10:00 at night for me but i'm waiting for my sister to finish having her shower-

  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Aw thank you Ollie! And- hey wait a minute shouldn't you be asleep rn? 🤔

  • morning, Amber ^^ ikr?? your drawing did so well and it deserved it lol!!!

Fun Fact

In my art style evil characters or characters who have done something fucked up will have sharper hands almost like claws and nicer ones will have more rounded hands unless the style calls for a specific type of hands or I don't know the ocs backstory too well.

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  • > Bacon Brilliance Oh i used to draw rectangle like fingers but it was a style thing, I just ditched them because I didn't like how they looked lol

  • oooooo that's cool!! next time when someone offers to shake hands i'll just uhhh check if those fingies are spiky lol-

  • > Zote We love creepy smiles here :)

  • > Bacon Brilliance So im not the only one!