일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

It is Pi Day. Yay.

It's pi day. Yay. Go get pie.
Yes I'm a math nerd. I like math 👍
I hope that's right 🤔. Idk I did it by memory.


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  • > GalaxyCrystal Pi song?!!✨ I must find this now! thank you :)

  • > YtterOdd Lol thanks. Try listening and memorizing the ✨️pi song ✨️

  • Yay!! Pi!!✨ also, that's cool you wrote that from memory, I can only ever remember the first six decimals 😅

Character ideas/suggestions to draw

Hello and good day.
I'm trying to draw 1 anime character everyday in a page in my sketchbook until I run out of space. Does anyone have any ideas on who I should draw? I can't guarantee I'll draw it either because I run out of space, forget, or my terrible drawing skills just won't allow me to draw that character (it happened with Gojo). So I'm sorry if you suggest one and I don't draw it. It's currently day 4 so please suggest characters. Thank you!

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  • > GalaxyCrystal Cool!♥

  • > YtterOdd Thank you for you suggestion! I drew Kite today. I drew him and his like reincarnated form? It honestly didn't turn out that great and I won't be surprised if you can't recognize him. The full page will be posted here when I finish. Again, I really appreciate the suggestion.

  • You could draw Kite, from Hunter x Hunter :)

Halloween Costumes!

Hello and good morning/afternoon/night! It's almost Halloween, isn't it? If you don't mind, I would love to know what you're dressing up as!
Thank you!

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  • > GalaxyCrystal That would be cool!! Dressing up is really fun but it's a lot of work😅

  • > YtterOdd I don't know yet either 😅. I probably won't dress up. But if I do, maybe Momo Yaoyorozu from My Hero Academia because I have the U.A. uniform from last year and my hair is kind of like her.

  • I don't know yet, because I procrastinate😵 maybe I won't dress up at all, but I want a costume that involves a lot of spiders, because, I love spiders! what will you dress up as? If you don't mind me asking:)