Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Iโ€™m extremely bored

Try to make me blush and Iโ€™ll rate it!!
(Send this link to other people too please because thatโ€™s LITERALLY how bored I am. I donโ€™t care who you send it to just get more people in here PLEASE ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป)

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  • > Goldenhuskey321 A3 Damn- I donโ€™t usually like darker guys but he is booutiful.

  • You probably donโ€™t know who this character is but I think itโ€™ll make you blush :)

Nah wait hold up-

I just realized ๐™๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ž and Jade arenโ€™t together anymoreโ€ฆ.how am I barely realizing this!!??

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  • > GalacticGoods2 IDKKK!!! But I went through both their accounts. She deleted all the art she made of him. Heโ€™s also talking about wanting to date some guy that heโ€™s talking to. Also in the comment section it looks like she blocked him.

  • WHATTTTTTT SINCE WHEN???????????????????

Time to complain

So, if youโ€™re like me, the How to Train Your Dragon Series was your whole childhood. Now theyโ€™re making a live action and literally making it horrible. Like my childhood went out the window. When they ended the movies, mini movies and series, they did it because โ€œthey covered everything in the book.โ€ BISH NO YOU DID NOT!!!! WHY DID WE NEVER SEE THEM!!!??? Plus the whole purpose of these movies and stuff was for Hiccup to find another Nightfury. Valka (his mother) had said โ€œIโ€™ve never seen a Nightfury this close before.โ€ Indicating that sheโ€™s seen one before. THEY DELETED THAT SCENE. What came out in the movie was โ€œIโ€™ve never seen a Nightfury before.โ€ PLUS LETโ€™S NOT TALK ABOUT THE EASTER EGG IN THE LAST MOVIE. We got to see a male Lightfury and when it was flying down ANOTHER FREAKIN NIGHTFURY!!!! LIKE BROOOOOOOO!!!! I HATE DREAMWORKS SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!!! WHY DO THIS TO ME!!!!???

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Rant about my horrible life

So at the beginning of the school year I met this kid named G. I learned a couple months later that he had a crush on me and I friend-zoned him because I already had a crush on C at the time. After that he mainly kept to himself and I thought we wouldnโ€™t have a problem. Well recently heโ€™s gotten really bad about his crush. I 100% do not like this kid and still have a crush on C. G has started to get really clingy, heโ€™s starting staring at me and itโ€™s making me uncomfortable. So I asked for different assigned seating and I talked to our advisory teacher about it today. I even tried talking to him with my friend today and all he wanted to do was argue about it. Heโ€™s going on about so much crap thatโ€™s clearly not true. Now heโ€™s trying to play the victim. This couldโ€™ve all been over if he wouldโ€™ve just left me alone like I asked him this morning. I asked him this morning to stay away from me but he insisted to still be around me and kept trying to be up my butt. Heโ€™s trying to say he doesnโ€™t like me but then admitted to liking me. Heโ€™s just being so stupid. Like bro just drop it and leave me alone. THATโ€™S ALL YOU HAVE TO FREKAIN DO!!!!!!

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  • > -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Yes, he does.

  • > โ™กLil_Berryโ™ก He deserves it.

  • > -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising She also ended up blocking him. So heโ€™s probably going to be even more mad.

  • > -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising It is. Since this thing revolves around school weโ€™re trying to be as careful as we can. He could do anything if you know what I mean.

Yโ€™all ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

So today at school I was telling my friend how I got stung on the tip of the nose by a hornet. The guy sitting next to us told us how he got stung in the butt by a couple of hornets one time because he sat on them. But the way he said it was weird as hell. He said โ€œI like literally got f^cked in the a$$.โ€ โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆI looked at him and said โ€œso they were g@y?โ€ And both me and my friend broke down laughing.

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Idk ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ heโ€™s a complete weirdo and I found out he has a crush on meโ€ฆ.LIKE BRO I ALREADY HAVE A CRUSH LEAVE ME ALONE!!! (Also yes things are going very nicely with my crush ๐Ÿ˜Œ)

  • Yo why he gotta say it like that ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Stolen from idk who

But ask away

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  • > โ™กLil_Berryโ™ก 1000X Better X3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Sheโ€™s like Hawks from MHA but 10x โœจbetterโœจ

  • > โ™กLil_Berryโ™ก Ooo I love Falcons :0

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Probably Alexis Green. Her quirk is falcon so thatโ€™s why I like it. I still have to draw her.

Oh my god

My little sister is literally being so damn stupid it isnโ€™t even funny. So my dad doesnโ€™t like us on the phone when heโ€™s home. So me & my sister made a deal. She got it in the morning because heโ€™s at work for 4 hours. Then I got it in the afternoon because heโ€™s at work for 4 hours. So itโ€™s even. Thereโ€™s both 4 hours. In the deal youโ€™re not allowed to take the other persons time if you missed out on yours. If you slept in and woke up late and only got 3 hours thatโ€™s your problem. Thereโ€™s no one else to blame but you. So thatโ€™s why youโ€™re not allowed to take the other persons time. We were cleaning this morning so she was only on the phone for about 30 minutes. But she was doing dishes. While doing dishes she was watching a movie on her iPad. She was still doing stuff on the electronics. I wasnโ€™t. I was still cleaning after lunch then took a shower. I donโ€™t even get my full time. But she was on the phone using my time which isnโ€™t fair. Then she got mad because I took it since itโ€™s my time and was like โ€œno more deals.โ€ But brat is just being petty and a hypocrite. The other day she told me the same thing because she sleeps in really late and doesnโ€™t use her full time which is her problem. So when she got on in the morning I told her I wanted the phone since she didnโ€™t like the deal. She said โ€œno! I gave your deal some thought and I agree to it.โ€ I knew she was lying so I called her out on it and she insisted that she was telling the truth. This was just yesterday and now sheโ€™s changed her mined that she doesnโ€™t like the deal. She just wants the phone to herself all day. We only have one so thatโ€™s why we made the time share. She better get that stick out of her butt real quick and shut up because sheโ€™s literally just being stupid now.

Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

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