家の用事で暫くお休みです〜 [I will be absent for a while due to family matters~]
※英語が出来ないのでweb翻訳使ってます。たまに変な所があるかも.. [English is web translation. (I can't speak English so it may be strange.)]
※コミュニケーションが苦手なので、返信等は定型文で返すことが多いかも.. [I'm not very good at communicating, so I think most of my replies will be in standard format.]
- X: https://twitter.com/0_coment_musou
- 分析
- 効率
ゲーセンで取ってきた「クリスマスver.初音ミク」を何となく袋の中に封印! [I sealed the "Christmas ver. Hatsune Miku" I won in a crane game at a game center in a bag on a whim!]
お菓子の開けた袋を再度密閉する機械便利だな〜 [A machine that reseals opened candy bags is very convenient~]
アイテムを袋包んでから密閉して穴開ければ、自作キーホルダーとか作れるのでは? [I think you can make it into a keychain by wrapping the item in a bag, sealing it, and punching a hole..?]
コンテストのイラスト、小ちゃい装飾つけたら終わります。 [The contest illustration is complete by adding small decorations.]
色は一回試し塗りしたけど..知識も技量も無さ過ぎて諦めました TwTグスンッ~.. [I tried painting the color once, but I gave up because I lacked the knowledge and skill. :’D]
元々、綺麗に描くのは二の次でコツ掴む方優先してから仕方無し〜 ・w・ フンスッ!! [Originally, drawing beautifully was secondary and I prioritized getting the hang of it, so it can't be helped~ :D]
今後もジワジワ、グイグイ、スキル上げて行きます!(大器晩成型) [I will continue to acquire skills slowly and steadily. (The type that grows rapidly over time.)]
契約中のインターネットがメンテナンス中でネット使えなかった..(The internet under contract was under maintenance and I couldn't use the internet..)
やっと終わった〜(Finally restarted~)
地味に辛かった ・o・ (It was surprisingly tough.. :'D)
レイヤー2に本描きを隠してます。 [The illustration for the contest is hidden in layer 2.]
レイヤー1がそのとき落書きで描いた下書きみたなモノ。[Layer 1 looks like a rough sketch that I drew at that time.]
構図は大体決まって、イラスト変わって来たので「タイトルと下書き」をチラ見せします。[The composition is mostly decided, and the illustration has changed, so I'll show you a glimpse of the title and draft.]
線画だから、あともう少し気合いとやる気がアレば終わる ・w・; [It's a line drawing, so if I have a little more spirit and motivation, I'll be done. :D]
ナルホド..棒線だけじゃ人の身体が上手く描けないの分かってきた気がする.. [humm..I feel like I've come to understand that you can't draw a person's body well with just stick lines..]
「くびれの凹」「骨盤や関節の凸」とかをイメージ的には変でも実際描いてみると安定するかも.. [I may not be able to draw things like "the dent in the lower back" or "the protrusion of the pelvis and joints", but if I actually try to draw them, it may become more stable.]
特徴掴むの大事だな〜 [It's important to understand the characteristics~]
今後、また形が歪になるかもしれないけど..試してみる![The shape may become distorted again in the future, but I'll try it!]
ダメだw駄目すぎるw [I was kidding too much (lol)]
描くの必死でXにupする余裕ないな〜; [I'm so desperate to draw that I can't afford to upload it to X.. (cold sweat)]
あぁ~..このままじゃ..ダメだなぁ~ [Aa~ If it stays like this.. it won't work~]
楕円の中に全体が収まるように描いてみた。 [I tried to draw it so that the whole thing fits inside the oval.]
因みに足から描いてみたけど..「部分」で描いてるから全体像がイメージ出来てないなぁ〜 [By the way, I tried drawing from the feet.. but I couldn't imagine the whole picture because I was drawing in "parts”~]
由々しき事態だぁ〜克服せねばぁ〜 [It's a serious situation~ I have to overcome it~]
当たり前っちゃ..当たり前だけど.. [Ah.. I realize now.. it was obvious..]
全身入れるには小さく描かなきゃダメかぁ..人間意外とデカイなぁ.. [I guess I have to draw it small to include the whole body.. I learned that humans are surprisingly large..]
[For a simple line drawing, take “(first) 1-2 days” → “1 day” → “2-4 hours” → “1-2 hours” → “(currently) 4-5 minutes”]
成長を感じる! [excellent!]
どうしよう..ペンタブいつ導入するかな.. [Now.. I'm not sure when to introduce a pen tablet..]
不定期とはいえ..1ヶ月放置..;汗 [It's an irregular post, but I left it alone for a month.. :'( ]
こ..これは..職場の情報漏洩だ〜.. [Is this a workplace information leak?]
いえ、自部屋です!もう..性格出てるよね〜[No, it's not. It's my room. It's showing up in my personality.]
部屋の整理と言いつつ..怠けて4~5年長引かせてしまった。[I said I was cleaning up my room, but I got lazy and ended up delaying it by 4-5 years.]
一番思考鈍らせてるの部屋の整理だから..早く終わらせたい。[Especially organizing my room gets in the way of my thinking..I want to finish it quickly.]
絵描けるようになって..やってみたい事いっぱいあるんだよな〜 [If I could learn to draw... there are so many things I'd like to try.]
あの映画のTN2のワンシーン..イメージしやすいのでは..? [A scene from that movie TN2.. Isn't it easy to imagine..?]
試しに、GIF 2MBに抑えたけど枚数が多すぎるとダメそう..アップ遅いや.. [I tried keeping it to GIF 2MB, but it seems like it won't work if there are too many images.. It's slow to upload..]
昔使ってたXのアカウントにメイキングupしました。[I uploaded the make-up to the X account I used a long time ago.]
※詳しくは、プロフにアカ載せました。 [For more information, I have posted my account on my profile.]
太い線が攻略出来ない.. ゼェ〜 [I am struggling with thick lines.. Phew~]
自分の学習の仕方がピラミッド型だから、どうしても遅咲きになりがち.. [Because my learning style is pyramid-shaped, I tend to be a late bloomer..]
要点を抑えて習得が出来れば、後半は加速する筈!(多分..)[If you can master the main points, you should be able to speed up the second half! (perhaps..)]
基盤の作成に時間が掛かるのはこういう事だ!安定もする筈だ!(今、色塗ってないのも一貫じゃい!)[This is why it takes time to create a foundation! It should be stable too! (The reason why I am not coloring it now is a series of steps!)]
今日の精神力..使い切ったw [Today's mental power.. I've used it all up. (lol)]
漫画って難しいですね〜(目線逸らし) [Manga is difficult~ (bad secret thing)]
イラストもupしてない海外の勧誘系のフレンド申請がここ最近来るな.. [Recently, I've been receiving friend requests from overseas who haven't posted any illustrations..]
怖いから拒否するよ.. [I'm scared so I refuse..]
今まで描いてなかった分、足のイメージが全く湧かない.. [I can't get an image of the part of the leg that I haven't drawn much of yet..)]
もう少しで基盤が出来そう! [One more breath until the foundation is completed.]
<おまけ・2枚目> (extra・2nd page)
ずっと前に描きかけて放置したやつ \^^/ [This is an illustration I drew a long time ago and left it as is. :D]
<逆さ描き (upside down drawing)>
やってみたけど..難しいやぁ〜(※用紙は回転させてません。) [I tried it but..it's difficult~ (※The paper was not rotated when drawing.)]
「移動ぼかし」を試してましたが、目悪くしそうなので..使い慣れるまでなるべく控えようと思います。[I've been trying out the "moving blur tool," but it seems like it might make the eyes look worse, so I'll try to refrain from using it as much as possible until I get used to it.]
お詫び申し上げます。[I apologize.]
※参考用に元絵を載せました。[※I have included the original picture for reference.]
おそらく、レイヤー複製で「重複絵+全体ぼかし」が原因かもしれないです.. [This may be caused by “overlapping images + blurring the entire image” during layer duplication.]
求めてた..動きのあるイラストになって来たかな..? [I feel like I'm getting closer to my ideal moving illustration..?]
5~6時間掛けて..2ページか.. [I wrote for 5-6 hours..2 pages..]
もっと、早く描けるようになりたいな〜 [I want to be able to draw faster.]
※過度な投稿防止で、漫画のトピックの頻度は減らします。 [From now on, I will reduce the frequency of manga topics to prevent excessive posting.]
今、こんな感じで〜す〜 This is what it looks like at the moment~..]
そうそう、名前考えるのに時間掛かってたんだ〜 [Oh yeah, it took me a while to think of a name last time..]
寒さでやる気出なくて..漫画が全然描けてないです.. [I don't have the motivation to do it because of the cold..I can't draw manga at all..]
申し訳ないッス; [I'm sorry~]
次からやっと本編描けるぅ〜w [Next is the main story finally starting~!]
流石に全部英語翻訳はしないです。(日本語メイン) [Unfortunately, I can't translate everything into English. (Mainly Japanese language)]
表紙&2ページ目なのに、気が遠くなりそう.. [Even though it's the cover & the second page, I feel like I'm losing my mind..]
えっ!?こんな時間..!? [What!? Has so much time passed!?]
> Andrey 有難うございます。 無理せず、頑張ってみようと思います!
気が狂わないでください。 私自身の経験から言えますが、緊張すればするほどストレスが大きくなります。 落ち着いて考えをまとめれば、すべてがうまくいくでしょう。
まだ、ロクにイラスト描けて無いけど..経験も兼ねて、気ままにやってみるかな.. [I haven't been able to draw a proper illustration yet.. I guess I should just try it out as I please, including gaining some experience..]
漫画の簡単な使い方は調べてみたけど..不安しかない.. TAT; [I've tried researching the basics of how to create manga, but I'm just worried.. :’-( ]
A:「私には!!後、何が足りてない!!!」 ["To me! ! What am I missing? ! !"]
B:「(大元の基礎)全部だよ!!ど阿呆!!」["(Basic source) Everything!! Silly!!"]
※(自虐.. [self-deprecating illustration])
> ゼロO※分析所 自分自身と健康に気をつけてください。
冬の寒さが苦手で..物理的に動けてませんでしたw 今日、少し暖かくなってきたので描き進めてみようと思います。 コメント有難う御座います!Andreyさんも頑張って下さい!
問題を抱えているのはあなただけではありません。 私も漫画の描き方は分かりませんが、チュートリアルを読んだり、サンプルを集めたりして勉強しています。