Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I can't fix it.
I wanna fix it
But j can't
I can't
I can't
I can't
No matter how much I want to I can't
I'm not a good person and I lose control over everything and then I burst and hurt everything and everyone
I want everyone to b3 okay but I ruin everything with my stupid mind and heart I try to fix but it doesn't last long
I try
I try
I try
But I can't
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a fucked up person
I'm stupid I'm dumb
I can't control my emotions and I'm sorry.
But no matter how sorry I am, it can't make up for anything that I've done wrong. Everyone that I've hurt. I've hurt eveyonr.
I hurt the persoson I care and love the most, but they hate me now. I know it, it hurts me, but I deserve it because I hurt thwm.
I'm sorru

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Guess who??

Yeah I decided to make a large doodle dump with these two, and I actually redesigned them a bit but not so much that you won’t reconize them. For those who don’t know these two, the vampire who looks like he’s edgy but he’s a total cute oblivious 200 year old dork is david, and the girl with the curly hair is Mary who is basically a scaredy-cat, and I ship them... so yeah I hope you all like this doodle dumb, and if you excuse me i’ll be watching “the book of life.”

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WhEn yOu rEaLize

Volleyball season is ending.....
Basketball is starting.......
That can only mean one thingggg...
I mean don't get me wrong i love playing tournaments and practice but this might affect everythinggg
-My hw time
-Me being stinky ah before church on Wednesday
-Me Being just a idiot
But I do get to hangout with my friends soo I not complaining...I doubt I'll play the game on Thursday but thats fine...I WILL climb that ladder this year
I'm tired so sorry for my randomness

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MeloniBuzzui left a comment!

WhEn yOu rEaLize

Volleyball season is ending.....
Basketball is starting.......
That can only mean one thingggg...
I mean don't get me wrong i love playing tournaments and practice but this might affect everythinggg
-My hw time
-Me being stinky ah before church on Wednesday
-Me Being just a idiot
But I do get to hangout with my friends soo I not complaining...I doubt I'll play the game on Thursday but thats fine...I WILL climb that ladder this year
I'm tired so sorry for my randomness

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