Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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try this,very funny

如果你在夏天很无聊,同时又可以买到中国的风油精,你可以尝试喝掉两滴风油精,然后再喝一瓶冰镇的饮料,你瞬间觉得不知道热是什么东西了。(If you are bored in summer and can buy Chinese oil essence at the same time, you can try to drink two drops of oil essence, and then drink a bottle of ice drinks, you instantly feel that you do not know what heat is.)

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  • chinese oil essence:Originally known as Fengyoujing(风油精),An essential oil that makes you feel very cool

try this,very funny

如果你在夏天很无聊,同时又可以买到中国的风油精,你可以尝试喝掉两滴风油精,然后再喝一瓶冰镇的饮料,你瞬间觉得不知道热是什么东西了。(If you are bored in summer and can buy Chinese oil essence at the same time, you can try to drink two drops of oil essence, and then drink a bottle of ice drinks, you instantly feel that you do not know what heat is.)

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  • chinese oil essence:Originally known as Fengyoujing(风油精),An essential oil that makes you feel very cool