I'm leavin' todaaaay~ 🎵
Dooon't worry, I just mean I'm leaving Virginia to go home, cool your jets. XD
But yup! My vacation is over! It's been a blast, especially the last two days, since those were themepark and water park days ÒwÓ)b
However, my TRUE vacation won't really be over yet, since I've got some work left to do and a family gathering tomorrow. That being said, my Discord availability will still be wack, sorry dudes. ´v`; But hey, on the bright side, that means I'm makin' more content for ya! 😜
As of now, here are my priorities:
-continuing that Delta-Sploon crossover from a while ago
-working on my Art Street contest entry
-working on a Final Fest piece
Sooooo, yeah. That's about it. Again, I'm sorry for not being available more often! And don't worry, this doesn't mean I'm going on a hiatus or, like I said, leaving. Just gonna be infrequent for a bit. 😉👍
For now, you can take a wip of one of the things on my list and a pic of me in a squid hat. XD
Have a great weekend~!