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AkibaDennoh (Akiba-Dennoh), the world's first mega-corporation ran megalopolis. The first supercity to be built entirely with semi-immersive augmented and virtual reality companion system named Detamon. Once of age, AkibaDennoh residents may apply to be employed by the Dennoh Corporation as DetaMiners to maintain the stability of the AR-VR companion system.
Meis D. Levant, a young, carefree, Detamon fanatic that has come of age, eagerly applied to become a DetaMiner in order to express his love for the companion system. Accompanied by two of his close high-school friends, Meis embarks on a journey through AkibaDennoh to experience what the supercity has to offer as a DetaMiner who's dream is to be the very best.
Published under Oblique Reference Arts 2023
2023. AkibaDennoh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-SA
Original story and script: Sage D Scribe
Art by: Rick Alves
Lettering: Sarahy Ocanto
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