How was this episode?

Great debut! Although the art is clearly Araki-inspired, you still have enough of your own twist on it with every panel being so incredibly detailed. Really excited to see how the art progresses as the monthly chapters continue. Great paneling as well on some of these pages, love the sequence on duel part between Rauch and the Protector on page 20.
A very good start! it's obvious it's inspired by Araki's style which i love, you still have your own colors. I think with a good progress you can become a very good mangaka :) I hope the best for you.

I really love the way you portray space opera through your araki-inspired style. You've made a great start, your story looks and seems very intriguing.
Hi Arklight Blues, first and foremost, congratulations on finishing this first chapter! It's a big milestone and it deserves to be cherished greatly! I will say that what first caught my attention, and subsequently what made me curious enough to read this first chapter of Rauch, was indeed the art style. Now, while I can see some of Hirohiko Araki's penning, as well as layout stylistic choices, I do also see how you iterated upon each of them. As a matter of fact, I got some "Masami Kurumada vibes" from the characters, more as their conceptual design then anything else, the all powerful, long-haired beautiful men with shiny "armor" and mystical powers, had me scratching my Saint Seiya bone for some reason, and that is not bad at all.
If I could respectfully offer my perspective when reading, I found the paneling a tad difficult to follow, both inside the panel composition and outside, when guiding my eyes through the points of interest in the page.
Sorry not sorry for being harsh but the story is a mess, just throwing your reader in without explaining anything is always a bad move, I couldn't understand a single thing. The only aspect that carries this is the art, although I have no idea what lead you to think that learning just and only Araki's artstyle would be a good idea in the long run, you could read his book on creating manga, it would help you.
I really liked how you presented the first chapter, the panels, the writing and the effects of the art have really surprised me, I've seen your art for some time already and it shows how much you've improved.
I like how there's that inspiration from araki's art, but it feels different, the shading and lines are diverse and the design of the main character (?) is really complex, however the enemy he faces has a design that's more simple and diverse, it's catchy and interesting.
Great job, I'm excited to read more!
This is amazing; at first, I saw this and thought, "Shit, Araki made a new manga?" however, it completely subverted my expectations. I love the small details in the art; the story is fascinating, and I can't wait to see where this goes.
im hooked from just this chapter i can’t wait to see more of your work
Ark you are great, I’ve been a fan for so long. I liked this first chapter and (obviously) the art, which is inspired by araki but it stil feels somehow different from his, like the expressions, backgrounds, use of darkness and so feel different enough. Lots of luck Ark!
Such an awesome first chapter, looking forward to it!
From someone that's also been working on Manga for years and finally releasing it on here as well I wanna say congrats and good luck!
It just started so I don’t have much to say about the story yet but so far the premise looks promising and im looking forward to see how things shall progress!👍👍
are you digital or traditional, either way your art is incredible!
Increíble arte e historia!
Love your sense of style with this manga
I really like how it resembles but is its own thing.

Mannnnnn, you needa be Hirihiko Araki's successor, after all he is getting old and might not even be able to complete part 9 or even continue jojo's.
your art work is equally as detailed and real damn creative and I am loving it.
Amazing storyline, great designs, and it made everyone intrigued. I'm really curious about what's next! :D Keep it up. This is better than most of the best mangas!
Okay who let Araki make this? This is way to similar to his work, that I'm almost convinced this is something he made a while back. Well done to the creator!
Despite your clear inspiration on Araki sensei you still manage to add a lot of your own flavor to it. Loved the designs and the dialogue was superb, Congrats on this first chapter!

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