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Taro was pretty cool this Chapter, huh? Oh, and I guess Hitachi has A LOT in store for us too. . .
Anyways, know what else is cool? I have a Bluesky now! I'll be posting special illustrations, sketches, and behind the scenes stuff over there, so go check it out! Maybe! ( - N.L. )

Hello, nice work you got there, well there are always areas you could improve on but yh, it figures😅...

Yh so I'm kinda promoting my manga and you may see thus message in other mangas 😅, but hey, I just wanna tell a story, so I'm currently releasing my series called unlimited god it was my first manga which I drew 2 years ago so the beginning chapters are bad but it gets better as the series continues, you don't have to check it out if you don't wanna, just trying to get my stuff out there

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