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Episode: 7.4: Wolf in Sheeps Clothing
*Sigh*, look I know I started doing these "minisodes" 'cause I wanted to get more S+ content out
faster. But obviously, I'm still slow as **** when it comes to making comics.
Whatever, some fun facts;
1- If it wasn't obvious, the cover art for this episode is a reference to Wolverine #1
2- Cane's powers being able to turn on and off is kind of an excuse to have a new design for him
3- It's been so long since I came up with the idea of "Blood Blades" that it kinda felt wierd when I had to write dialouge for
PLUS where he says it's "brand new".
Anyway, that's it from me until the next episode, which is Episode 7.5: Hardly a team. See you next time!
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