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Spirit Lines final chapter is here!
I wrapped up work on this chapter a couple weeks ago but was unable to get it uploaded due to travel and the holidays. It took one whole year of work to get this story concluded and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it even when I felt discouraged or unmotivated. As I didn't really notice the difference in my art quality or style while working, it's also fulfilling to look back on the beginning of this project and see just how far my art has evolved since then.
To anyone reading this, thank you for coming along on this journey. I hope you've enjoyed my work and if you disliked any of it, that's okay too! I'm not sure I plan to take on a project like this again but maybe some one shots or shorter works in the future.. that'll depend on if I get any cool ideas.
Anyways, a final thank you to all who've checked out Spirit Lines, and a special thank you to readers who've posted encouraging comments, they've motivated me more than you know!
- Zayne
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