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Originally called "One World" as a joke (obviously inspired by a certain other manga), the name stuck because it just fits the story I want to tell too well. This 52-page "one-shot" manga is actually an overlong aside* to an already very bloated first-draft/storyboard concept for what is intended to be itself a 60-page one-shot (the draft is currently at 242 pages... Shueisha, please give me a job. I can fill pages, at least!) Apologies for it being hard to read. I work on a farm, while renovating an almost 100 year-old house, while raising two kids, amongst other things, so the only time I really get to work on any of this is if I wake up at 4:00am and manage to scribble something out before the rest of the day catches up with me. Again, Shueisha, please: Give me a job! My body just wants to draw silly fun pictures!
Please enjoy, and thank you very much for your time. Take care!
*Apologies for the sad ending with no resolution; This was not originally intended to be a one-shot
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