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uploading onto this site is hard, i had originally planned to make it a right swipe comic but all of my double page spreads got jumbled together which ruined the pacing so i opted to make it a vertical scroller. i'm just glad to be able to finish this project which was meant to be a short experiment of about 15 pages when i first started making it, but then it ballooned into something much longer and swallowed me up. this took me very long to make, and its not because i believe it to be technically great or anything, but because the fear of having someone look at your project and say that they don't think it's good can be devastating, especially after working on it for so long, and so i procrastinated like a madman, but alas, here it is, a very experimental story. if it resonated with at least one person i will be happy, anyways if you got to this point, thanks for reading, consider liking and commenting if you enjoyed my work, and i'll see you again soon!
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