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Doo doo art 😃 (ST3 SPOILERS) LEVEL 1

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2 years ago

  • StrangerThings

  • StrangerThings3

  • StrangerThingsAlexi

  • Alexi

I had to draw this for current mental state being

Stranger Things 3 Spoilers:

*intense sobbing*
I just miss him man-
It’s been only 4 days
I don’t care
That man did not deserve to die

So for the people only reading this because they are never going to watch Stranger Things, I’m going to explain to you what happened to this m a n above

He was so sweet so goofy-
Then he got shot 😍🥰
At the fuckin fair/4th of July celebration after winning a stuffed Looney Toons prize and being so god daMN proud of it
His Russian boss man found out about him working/cooperating with the Americans and being nice to him, went to the fair to kill those Americans (The main adult characters of the story) and Alexi (the man above) and Alexi got shot
First time actually genuinely crying because of the stupid show
Lmao- it’s not stupid I recommend you watching it if you haven’t already
If your really that curious, search up #Alexideservedbetter on literally anything

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