I Really need a new decent phone
2 years ago
hi! Im a college student who badly need to replace my old hand down phone from my sister. I'm too ashamed to ask my parents to buy me a new one since they also have my university tuition fee to take care off. and earning money during pandemic is not that easy. I used to do my online schooling at my old cousins laptop but sadly it broke too. the repair is much more expensive than buying a new one or maybe a secondhand. so I just do online meetings on my phone and if lucky, to my grandmothers computer which she also use for her occupation. I wish to be atleast one of the lucky winners. thank you! and goodluck to the other contestants who likes to join to the contest.
link: https://www.amazon.com/Total-Wireless-Samsung-Prepaid-Smartphone/dp/B08J5G9JCN/ref=sr_1_5?crid=6ZNCT79WL5VE&keywords=phones&qid=1640444774&sprefix=phones%2Caps%2C293&sr=8-5