> Mint_Maliminkain the blue sketches have three main reasons: i encourage people to use these to practice inking and the blue is a technique that makes it easy to do it by hand and chromokeythe blue away after scanning, it's fast, and it's in my comfort zone. I am kinda afraid if i don't post regularly schedule, i will be easily ignored. there is one illustration series i'm working on that is digitally painted. sorry that it is taking so long.
And also try to like other's illustrations this way they will interact back to you and know the masterpiece you have been working on...."" Just a friendly suggestion.......😓😓😓😓😊😊
anneahamo32 2 months ago
私の名前は Eevina Bamath です。あなたの名字には何か特別なところがあり、それが私があなたに連絡した理由です。私のプライベート メールアドレス (bamatheevina@gmail.com) から私に連絡してください。
Eevina Bamath