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髪を攻略すべくは..?(hair position)

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1 year ago

  • 練習中

  • 分析

「揉み上げ付近」と「頭(輪郭)と髪の境目」辺りのイメージが曖昧なので可視化を試みる。こんなので良いのだろうか..?[The boundary between the outline and the hair is ambiguous.How to solve?]

※あくまで個人的な練習方法(※personal solution)

1枚目:正面絵(耳+頭)[front picture/ear+head]
2枚目:横向きの絵(耳)[profile picture/ear]

左側:耳は張り付く。奥に行く感じ。[left:image of elephant ears]
右側:2Dで猿っぽく描くと髪を隠すのが大変になる[right:Imagining monkey ears is difficult]

3枚目:髪を描く(耳+頭)[draw hair/ear+head]
4枚目:髪を描く(耳)[draw hair/ear]
5枚目:おまけ[other hair]

※個人的な考えです。[personal thoughts]

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