gift for Rainey 404
after reading about Rainey's vent, I wanted to do something special for them. this is something I would make for anybody who needed it, but I don't have the time, energy or storage. but that doesn't mean I'd ignore the people who need it the most.
this is my first (and maybe last) one I'd make
Rainey, this is just for you. I don't need likes or favourites, but I would hugely appreciate the joy. I just want you to be happy! but feel free to like or favourite this. it's your choice.
I made this for you so you would always know there are people who support you: me and my probably imaginary crew, my many oc's and definitely definitely many other people, real or not.
I decided to choose Juniper since I didn't know who else to choose ;w;
I nearly cried while making this cus soulless heart lofi remix came on. it fitted too well