일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Galactic_Flow의 일러스트

"The Alliance"

즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

  • Ruby

  • Book

  • Pencil

  • Humanized

  • Bubble

  • BFDI

  • Match

  • Icecube

Some more B.F.D.I. crud. I'm not done with it so I might post it again, but this is what I got so far. Just realised I havent done my English homework ehhhhh.

So The Alliance consists of all girls, the originals were Bubble, Pencil, and Match. Match and Pencil (*Ahem* The bishes ) are the closest pair you could ever ask for, but they still prefer Bubble over everyone else. Book, Ice Cube and Ruby are "alternates" in case any of them are missing. Book is knowledgeable, Bubble is accident prone, Ruby is the dumb blonde type, and Ice Cube is the quiet vengeful one.
In Season 2 "The Alliance" is changed to "Freesmart" (dont get me started on how that name came to be) and in Season 4 it changes to "Iance" (Yep, its alliance cwithout the 'all')

I should do Leafy and Firey next (oh sh*t, here we go)

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    신작순 Galactic_Flow의 일러스트


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