일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 buffdrifter의 일러스트

kingdom of thailand

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kingdomof thailand is a constitutional monarchy kingdom the biggest is king and the second one is primenister thailand never gets colonized so the cultural is one of the top of thailand and thailand have size of 513,000 square kilometer and have economic of 544billion GDP with 1.8% growth rate and its 2nd largest in southeast asia and 26th largest in the world thailand have military size of 360K active personnel and 200K reserve personnel or should i say 560K personnels total with military budget of 6.6billion and it is a sucessfully developed country and fast development country the current king is rama X of chakri dynasty and current primenister is prayut chan o cha and thailand is the 1st best country to solve the covid 19 proplem and its car ancidents is the most of the world because of traffic that is insanely much even in the remote area there will be a traffic jam too thailand capital is bangkok but thai call it krung thep and thailand have population of 70million wich is much

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    신작순 buffdrifter의 일러스트




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