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4 years ago

  • giftyouwant

This year was full of ups and downs. One of the most notable things, surprisingly, was purchasing by chance a small set of watercolor brush pens. It was just some nameless brand, but it had an amazing effect on my creativity. With my PC acting up frequently, it turned out to be much more easy to map out rough colour scheme traditionally, and then just follow this guide in Medibang. As result, I designed more characters in couple of months during the last summer, then in last couple of years.
I wanted a bigger set of better brush pens shortly after, but due to aforementioned "downs" (which included losing a chance for promotion because of occuring health and family problems, and i wish it was just exaggeration...), was unable to get one. And judging by how my life (and expenses) progress, I wouldn't be able to at least for another couple of years or so.
I want to design more characters. I want to progress faster. I want to follow my dreams. That's why I need a small miracle.

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