Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Wands to resurrect

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3 years ago

  • March.2020Contest:Easter

  • cat

  • girl

  • rabbit

  • illustration

  • magic

  • original

  • oc

  • easter

  • cursed

A girl who turned into half-human half-bunny because of a curse by a distressed witch,is out on her way to find four lost wands to dispel the curse, and ‘resurrect’ her human only existence. Four lost wands were made by ancestors of all witches using lost magic-The wands, made by each of the different elemental users-fire, earth, wind, water. To find the wands, she needs to search every corner of the world which would seem impossible if not for her partner , her pet cat, Petro who was in one of her lives, apprentice to one of the ancient magic master. And so they begin their long and (Maybe) fun adventure..

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