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5 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

Name: G/Sex: Female/Age: 17

Personality:G always puts her work before anything,apart from that she’s really easy going person who always trys to make others have fun but when something isnt going the way she wants she gets too aggressive,which most of the time she can control,she lets her anger out by hitting balls with baseball bat. She is kind of lazy as well,skips her chores often because doesnt like to do things for herself and rarely consider her well being

Way of Speaking:She is loud and never talks to others with respect

Abilitys:She most of all use her bat to hit her enemies,the bat is unbreakable and super powerful.Her Trainer makes balls to be hit, the more it flies the bigger it gets, when it hits its target it explodes. She use them rare, she prefers to use the bat

Weaknesses:Her aggressive personality,easily detaching from everyone around her

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