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A True Gentleman (More Genshin fanart lol)

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Views 158

3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • girl

  • flower

  • Robot

  • Machine

  • Grass

  • GenshinImpact

  • RuinGuard

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all doing well :D
So uH- I was just playing the new 1.4 Archon Quest like any other person waiting for main quest content and b o i was that quest a roller coaster, I enjoyed it very much! Hit me in the feels a bit, but that’s okay.
So, one detail in particular that stood out to me was the fact the Ruin Guards (for those who don’t know, the machine in my drawing) were actually called Field Tillers, and they were made by the people of Khaenri’ah. Of course they weren’t actually farmers and it was just a code name, but my gears started turning anyway, and I immediately thought of the Iron Golems from Minecraft lol and how they give flowers to the lil villagers. So I thought, why not draw a Ruin Guard giving a flower to a lil Khaenri’an girl? (Is Khaenri’an even a word)
Hence this drawing came to be.
aLsO I cAnT dRaW bAcKgroUnDs oKaY dOnT jUdGe

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