Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


• r a i n c l o u d s • LEVEL 5

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

]|I{•------» hewwo! «------•}I|[

~ it's chuwu here, and I'm bringing you another artwork to show! (=^ ◡ ^=) to be honest, this is supposed to be like a sad drawing but I guess the because of the colour scheme is just looks like my normal drawing :'3 it's not supposed to be a vent though ^^ To be honest I don't really like the rainclouds :'c they look way better in my head than in my drawing :'D oh well, I just hope you like it! ( ・᷄ ᵌ・᷅ ) Also I messed up the shoes X'D

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