Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Her name is Ai and I love her

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4 years ago

  • ARTstreet_Design

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  • artStreet

As a fantasy writer, first thought I had was, of course, the magic world setting.

ART Street is an actual street in actual city in the another dimension. This word is inhabited by the race, known as CREATORS, whose main life source is energy of creativity.

When a child of this race reaches the age of ten, their hair-colour, previously cloudy, changes. With that young one gets from the Great Spirits of Creation a gift, called the Stylus. That's a special multipurpose magic tool, representing the main talent of it's owner. For example, you can get a whole sewing or sculpting kit in one easy-to-carry utencil.

The character, a friendly and energetic girl called Ai, to everyone's surprise gets on her coming-of-age ceremony a rare and bright hair colour, as well as a very special Stylus. It can imitate every possible drawing and painting supply in the world!

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