일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jen Jen의 일러스트

Check Out My Brother’s YouTube Channel!

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  • medibangpaint

  • art

  • 창작

  • cute

  • 남자애

  • brother

  • YouTube

  • Gamer

  • procreate

  • Cyanism

Hey there! Let me explain this drawing. Yes, I have a brother, and yes he has a YouTube channel. It’s not art related (, because he doesn’t really like art, but) it’s about video games. He’s a gamer, and he’s very passionate about it. He likes playing games like Sound Space and Quaver, at least I think? 🤔 don’t ask me I’m a game noob. Anyway, if you wanna check him out, his YouTube channel is Cyanism. He has like 31 subs or something like that. ( also, if you check his channel out, look at his playlist titled “old videos”, it’s hilarious 😂) And just so you know, when I showed him this, his exact words were, “woah, I actually kinda like it”. It was actually really touching.

Link to his channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCVb3r6ythR2ZG7RjLjU0E1Q

Hope you enjoyed!

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    신작순 Jen Jen의 일러스트


    finny ♡
    Jen Jen


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