我的小小心願 (My little wish)
我想要這部iPhone因為我現在的祖傳手機已經用了很久了,現在這台手機本來是我爸爸用的,之後再傳給我。可是現場每次用那台手機都會發生插畫裡展示的事情,真的有點煩(╥︣﹏᷅╥) 可是因為一台手機很貴,又不敢再跟家人要,所以我希望我能贏得這次的比賽,拿到新手機,用手機做事的效率會更快,脾氣也會好一點(開玩笑的)。謝謝!
I want this iPhone because I have been using my old phone for decades. It was originally used by my father and then he gave it to me. But now the phone is not working properly. Every time I use it, the incidents drawn on the picture, would happen. They are really kind of annoying (╥︣﹏᷅╥) But a new phone is expensive, so I don’t want to ask for my parents to buy it. I hope I can win this competition and get a new phone. I can then increase my working efficiency with my new phone and my temper would be better (just kidding). Thank you!