Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


別世界での一週間の休暇 LEVEL 5

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4 years ago

  • 1stjumpillust



  • サムライ8八丸伝

"A week-long holiday in a different world"

Naruto has one week off. Naruto and his family are visiting the world where Hashimaru and co. live. I was going to draw Hashimaru's fishing, but I guess he would be more interested in learning some new technique instead of fishing, so he asked Boruto to teach him the Rasengan. Water balloons training started! Daruma's Samurai Soul turned into a fishing rod. He and Naruto didn't catch any fish yet. No worries, Hinata and Ann prepared their lunch already before going to pick some sunflowers. Talking about sunflowers, Himawari and Hayatarou are having a great time playing with together while Kawaki is keeping an eye on them just to be sure they are safe.

lineart: Jump Paint - colours: Photoshop.

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