イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

i has a deviantart account!
i has a deviant art account!
dont worry doe :3 i wont be nearly as active on D/A as i will be on here
medibang is still my main websites coz of meh amazin frendz :3
but i will make sum pictures specificlly for DA because wel. im too lazy to post 2 pictures xDD

heres le link to my account if chu wanna follow me! :3

(also i trieeeeed to do taiyo but that was taken so ye, also i didnt really like TaiyoSora SOOoooooh XD) ALSO here have the VERY first picture i uploaded on there! :3

Her name is Hana
