插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

guys i would like to talk abt smth---

soosoo i think that people think im rude and more susi and stuffs--

i would like to say i am another person now--- i have matured..????? prob not but i act more like a 15 yr old and stuffs and i have tried to be friends with ppl and i always screw smthh up likes one time somone was talking abt this annoying guy i and i said to kill him as a joke and the person blocked me- whenever ssya smth like that im jokingnn- i just have a dark sense of humorr- this types of stuffs happens alot and i curse alot yeah im sorri if i offend someone in some ways and if ur like not comfy with cursing rants blood etc then u should prob not follow me- also srry if im rude i honetsly think i got it from my bf cuxz hes like rude and kindof a bully soo if im rude to u plzlzplzplzplzpzlpzlz tell me
