插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Random question
If you didn't know what sex I was would u think I was a guy becuz I always have guys in my profile? I'm wondering XD
I don't think this often but when i do its this : if I'm being nice or friendly to a girl on this site, if a person that didn't know me read that conversation would they think I'm a guy try too hit on a girl? Becuz I've got a guy (now its jun-hoe ♡♡♡♡♡♡) in my pfp. I'm literally being soooooo stupid saying this /based of now in korea its the 6th of july, as of now theres litteraly 94 days until the 13th of october, ill then turn 19, im almost an adult and i do shit like this,i want to ask my parents what the fuck did they make? I am verdone with my bullshit\
