일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I Refuse To Stay Silent
CW: This post talks about issues with the government, homophobia, and mentions of death, su*cide, r*pe and inc*st. Stay Safe. ❤

Oh boy, what happened to you America? Where did we go wrong? Well I would like to start out by saying that all of this comes from the perspective of a minor, although that still doesn't stop me from having an opinion, but still any advice from adults or people who now a bit more would be nice since I do not know as much about government as a full grown adult or people with experience.

You may have heard the whole Roe V. Wade being overturned, the abortion laws and birth control in America being restricted, anti-LGBTQ bills, and heavy ||transphobia|| in the press. I'm going to talk about that, I'm not going to stay silent, and I don't want you to either.

First issue is also the issue that effects me the most, the abortion law problems and birth control restrictions. I am female, I do indeed have the required parts to create new life. These new restrictions are fucking terrifying for somebody like me, and all women and people who can give birth. It's bull shit, its horrifying, it's unacceptable. I don't want a kid or multiple kids, I don't want to go through giving birth, I don't want the long term issues that come with it. So if it happens (most likely by accident) and I need to get an abortion and that's not an option because of the laws the government has put into place. Its absolutely frightening. I would rather die, and that is not an exaggeration. If you try to argue that the government cares about bringing people into the world, fuck you, leave, get off my page, and WAKE THE FUCK UP. Even if they did care if the carrier dies while giving birth or is going to give birth the child might not even survive. You have just taken away two lives. It could also be where the carrier dies and the child lives. You have brought one life in only to take one away, you have essentially done nothing for society but cause pain and suffering. But they don't care, they only want control. As a minor I feel scared because this could happen in many ways and some could happen to me now. You could already want a kid, or it could happen because you got pressured, or it could be rape or incest. The last two could happen to anybody at any age as long as you can produce a child. If you think that is ok, get the fuck out.

Next issue, LGBTQ issues with the government and schools. LGBTQ issues being discussed within school grounds is being labeled as a problem, and wrong. If they are caught expressing their gender identity the parents will be notified of this and the student will be outed to their own parents. This violates so many personal boundaries for people. Some kids may not have even come out to their parents yet and maybe for good reasons. Perhaps they are living in a toxic household, perhaps they are scared. Anybody should be able to come out to their parents when they feel ready to do so, not because they were discussing it in school and that's a "problem" and their teachers end up telling their parents. That's the grown up equivalent of snitching. They are also advising teachers not to wear any rainbow colored articles of clothing and get rid of photos of their same-sex spouses and LGBTQ safe space labeled items form their classrooms. What. The. Fuck. It shouldn't be your fucking problem if somebody has a LGBTQ safe space classroom or has kids they teach who are LGBTQ members or the teacher is a LGBTQ member themselves, DONT MAKE IT YOUR PROBLEM. Coming from a student who is part of the LGBTQ community and has many friends part of the LGBTQ and a mother who is a teacher and a part of the community herself, this is bull shit. Its is scary, it is dumb, it is being unbelievable. I am disgusted.

Last issue I will discuss, Transphobia in the press and government. This is the one I know the littlest about. I have been told that there has been extreme transphobia right now. The LGBTQ issue with schools is obviously one thing effecting trans people. They could be discussing issues in school and then be outed to their parents by their teachers. Another issue is that most of these LGBTQ restricting laws are targeting trans people. There has been almost 640 anti-LGBTQ bills filed since 2018, 238 bills in even less than three months in 2022. 2021 and 2022 has been the worst years for this having the most anti-LGBTQ bills. Can you believe that? And like I said the majority of them are targeted at trans people. That's so fucking disrespectful.

I sometimes forget that every one of those numbers under my followers is a real person. Speak up, all of you. Do research and figure out if your state and/or country is in danger. Learn what you can do to help fix this problem. If you live in America DONT celebrate the fourth of July. This is not why we won the revolution, this should not be celebrated. We should not celebrate the loss of rights, this is not America.

Videos & Articles I Recommend Further Discussing These Issues:
"I have to speak out, as a trans person, in a post-Roe v Wade world." - WowRightMeow

"How The Supreme Court Killed Roe v. Wade" - LegalEagle

"As Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law takes effect, schools roll out LGBTQ restrictions" -nbcnews

"Nearly 240 anti-LGBTQ bills filed in 2022 so far, most of them targeting trans people" -nbcnews

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