일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Maybe im just overreacting idk

1. My parents have been very strict this summer and they have been taking away my phone. And I was gone for 6 hours today, and you know what they said??? they said that i can use my phone/computer ONLY FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. they think that i can do everything: scroll through art street a little bit, draw, play minecraft, watch youtube videos in 2 HOURS. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL OF THAT IN 2 HOURS??? Also i cannot use it earlier or later, only from 9 am to 11 am
Also i think i dont have any friends irl
Also my social anxiety is getting worse and worse
Also all of my panic attacks are asocciated with my parents
Also i have minor facial dysmorphia
Also i stress everyday for no reason
So yeah, i wont be on today at all and i wont be as active as always
Love y'all <3

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