일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Everybody Doin This?
It said "You are a likable person (64.29%)" which is pretty accurate. But imma talk about the results for a moment if you don't mind.

The friendliness is almost on point, at first I always try to friendly and nice or just like that to people I really appreciate, BUT once I get to know you more I tend to joke around in more of a bullying way but no so much it effects the person so bad they stop being friends with me, ask Bacon he knows. Humor, damn I though I was pretty funny, I think its just talking about that bullying sense of joking I have with my closer friends though. Happiness, this thing is broken. /j I am actually really happy with where I am in life and only want to change a few small things about myself! Kindness, ok now that is hella accurate. Again talking about that bullying joking with my friends lol. Positivity, yeah that's pretty accurate. When I see other being down I try to cheer them up but the chunk that's missing from there is whenever I feel down (mostly about my art) I don't do shit to cheer myself up. I just call myself a failure and move on. Tolerance, eh this ones kinda off. Once the conversation shifts to something I don't like I will start to lose interest and care less and less until it becomes so obvious I'm not interested in they person just stops talking. Honesty, if I lied it would just prove the test correct. Make of that what you will.

I didn't prove read wooooooo!

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