イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Let’s discuss
I was talking to my dad about ai art and his opinion on it. He said that he doesn’t think ai will replace artist but that it will become a sub genre of art. And my sister said that the programmer of the ai is technically the artist and not the people putting in the prompt. I found it interesting getting a non-artist perspective on the topic. Also some artist have already proposed the idea of using ai to get a idea for a drawing.

I wish to discuss this topic you guys, and learn more about this topic in the process.
Some ground rules for discussing topics:
If your going to say that your opinion is fact then at least have a reliable source to back up your claim. Be respectful of others opinions. The point of having a discussion is to learn more about the topic. This is not about arguing so please be civilized people. Its ok to share your opinion if it is different from someone else. I want to hear your voice and learn more.

The image in this topic is some comments i made discussing my own opinion. I made these comments about a couple of weeks ago on one of Jen Jen’s topics.
