イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Vent Tw: sud*c*e

Well i said i matured this year and learned from mistakes
But It seems i might be wrong
Am i becoming an asshole?
Well clearly at 12 i was dumb, not thinking of consequences and just being a lovefool, with the drama happening (swearing might be the last time I'll Talk bout this) and then just crying becuase oh no im getting hatee
AND then just being a dumb horny teen.

Then its 2022 now and ive grown up
But then yet again, im starting to be an asshole and i dont wanna start 2023 the SAME as i started 2022.
I need to learn and try to grow up. It'll be hard. AND i hate myself.
Im sorry to everyone ive hurt.
And i dont wanna go like "i want to die" no.
Even if i do feel a bit like It.
Becuase thats not the solution.
I am maturing more everyday but still not fully matured. I want everyone to get along with me and not have any haters or damn shit
So, a promise for 2023 IS THAT I'll be fully understanding and Will not do ANY mistakes and throw people into the pits of hate.
Im sorry to everyone ive made them been hated or hurt.
Im promising that I'll never hurt or try not to offend anyone again but myself.
