插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

☆ ya know what ☆
I changed my mind. fuck that anon, they don’t have any right to control me. I’m not letting them win. they’re the whiny bitch here. whining for attention. they’re even too scared to show their real selves, their account. so they comment anon, cuz they’re scared. they do know its simple to unfollow someone, right?? unless they’re that stupid. idk. and they’re apparently mad cuz I still post on tiktok?? guess what anon, it’s called blocking people dumbass. but that doesn’t mean the videos they have are still on their account. get a brain for once will ya? probablytoodumbtoevenfindabrain
they think they’re tough when they’re not. it’s childish and hilarious xD
