Whisper In The Shadows...
Gaiden Geto, drawn by an enigmatic force, enters a haunted cave on a stormy night. Inside, he discovers a picture of a mutated female detailing unspeakable horrors and awakens vengeful spirits.
As the cave comes alive with dark forces, Gaiden faces a moral dilemma and makes a heart-wrenching decision to break the curse. However, the price of freedom leaves him haunted, questioning the true nature of the shadows that whispered in the shadows
Anger Prone Freak...
Deus has lives very average life spent with many average to not so average people.
he tries his best to control his anger as that's one of the main reasons he doesn't
have much friends.
His fear of losing people might awaken somthing inside him...
who knows what monster it might be?...
find out now...
he tries his best to control his anger as that's one of the main reasons he doesn't
have much friends.
His fear of losing people might awaken somthing inside him...
who knows what monster it might be?...
find out now...