MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA

A platform for Manga creators to submit their works.
Aim for a chance at publication on MANGA Plus!

MANGA Plus creators is delivered by SHUEISHASHUEISHA, the publisher behind popular manga such as One Piece and SPY × FAMILY, and MediBang, the creator of internationally popular painting application.

We will deliver submitted Manga in English and Spanish to the readers all over the world!

What's so special about MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA?

01You can publish Manga easily!

Format of Manga is up to you! Reading direction can be horizontal or vertical!
You can manage your Manga easily with the “Dashboard” function!
Anyone can publish Manga and read submitted Manga easily for free!

02We have a special section on MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA!

Deliver your Manga through the special section only for MANGA Plus creators by SHUEISHA on MANGA Plus, the official Manga streaming service by SHUEISHA that many readers use to read Manga!

03We have the "Monthly Awards"! Win the awards!

You can enter the Monthly Awards contest just by submitting your Manga!
We prepared a special prize such as 1,000,000 yen (for Gold award)! Works that get Bronze, Silver and Gold awards will be published on MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA.
Your Manga might be published together with world famous Manga including One Piece and SPY × FAMILY!

Click here for more information about the function of MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA.

JUMP Paint is the best place to draw Manga! JUMP official Manga creation app for “free”!