Lucid: A Cosmic Battle Between Light and Darkness
Lucid follows the story of Lucid and his friends—Vivid, Eric, and Sero—who have been eagerly waiting for the latest issue of a popular comic book. After discovering that it’s sold out at their local bookstore, they’re about to leave when Vivid finds the last remaining copy that has mysteriously fallen from somewhere. Excited, they take the comic home, but when they open it, they are unexpectedly zapped into the comic’s world.
Inside this fantastical world, Lucid and his friends find themselves in the midst of a war between the forces of light and darkness. As they navigate this conflict, they uncover a chilling revelation: a far greater threat looms in their real world—a cosmic entity known as the Big Bang. This entity appears as a man, a force that didn’t choose to exist but was born from the universe’s creation itself.
The Big Bang is both a powerful and innocent force, but with the potential to rampage and cause untold destruction
Lucid follows the story of Lucid and his friends—Vivid, Eric, and Sero—who have been eagerly waiting for the latest issue of a popular comic book. After discovering that it’s sold out at their local bookstore, they’re about to leave when Vivid finds the last remaining copy that has mysteriously fallen from somewhere. Excited, they take the comic home, but when they open it, they are unexpectedly zapped into the comic’s world.
Inside this fantastical world, Lucid and his friends find themselves in the midst of a war between the forces of light and darkness. As they navigate this conflict, they uncover a chilling revelation: a far greater threat looms in their real world—a cosmic entity known as the Big Bang. This entity appears as a man, a force that didn’t choose to exist but was born from the universe’s creation itself.
The Big Bang is both a powerful and innocent force, but with the potential to rampage and cause untold destruction