Reinvención del mito griego sobre el origen de la maratón, y sin diálogo.
Durante la guerra contra los persas, Fidípides, un corredor ateniense, se encuentra con un soldado herido. Éste le confía un pergamino y debe llevarlo cuanto antes a su destino, antes de que los persas lleguen a Atenas.
Durante la guerra contra los persas, Fidípides, un corredor ateniense, se encuentra con un soldado herido. Éste le confía un pergamino y debe llevarlo cuanto antes a su destino, antes de que los persas lleguen a Atenas.
Reinvention of the Greek myth about the origin of the marathon, and without dialogue.
While the war rages against the Persians, Phidippides, an Athenian runner, comes across a wounded soldier. The latter entrusts him with a parchment, and must take it as quickly as possible to its destination, before the Persians arrive in AthensReinvention of the Greek myth about the origin of the marathon, and without dialogue.
While the war rages against the Persians, Phidippides, an Athenian runner, comes across a wounded soldier. The latter entrusts him with a parchment, and must take it as quickly as possible to its destination, before the Persians arrive in Athens.
While the war rages against the Persians, Phidippides, an Athenian runner, comes across a wounded soldier. The latter entrusts him with a parchment, and must take it as quickly as possible to its destination, before the Persians arrive in AthensReinvention of the Greek myth about the origin of the marathon, and without dialogue.
While the war rages against the Persians, Phidippides, an Athenian runner, comes across a wounded soldier. The latter entrusts him with a parchment, and must take it as quickly as possible to its destination, before the Persians arrive in Athens.