© MediBang Inc.
My background as a Manga Creator
Comic Artist
And this was the Prologue???!!!! This was amazing, I am honored to be friends with these gifted fuckers!!! Can't wait to read chapter 1!!!
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The Rabbit in page 14 is so fucking cute omg
Animals are a resource, so that includes Yerma. Eat him, Ashe!!!
Welp, so long for the story they told Ashley, it's back to them mistreating him :(
The child drawings when they were making ths story as they went was such a good scene. And the dialogue was so wholesome :)))))
Thus ends Sun Jijompo's Journey to the East. The Journey was filled with trial and tribulations, but all came with great reward. In the valleys of Plagiarization, he fought many foes who looked indistinguishable from one another, he felled them with one swoop. In the infamous Library of Poets, he won every challenge of Writing and made them concede in their horrible craft and pick up farming. In the Fortress of Ego, their attacks were trivial to the God of the Mountain, never being able to lay a finger on him, all the while he sipped on his coffee. Lastly, he fought the Order of the False Gods, "Gods" who self proclaimed themselves as such, only to fall to the one true God. Once his journey ended in the East, Sun Jijompo, feeling fulfilled in his quest, went back to the Mountain in the West, where he now prepares for his next journey. Where that next journey will take him, is yet to be seen. But his exploits in the East will be told for eons.Proud of you bro! Congratulations!!! ❤️
As Sun Jijompo battled many foes during his journey to the East, he has conquered them all. They couldn't put a candle to his his great staff called the G-Pen. His Paneling against the foes, they didn't see it coming. The way he out Paced them and Wrote them into a corner will be told for millenia.
The Journey of a God of the West, traveling to the East, to show the Order that he is a force NOT to be reckoned with! Sun Jijompo has returned to seize this mountain that is Mangaplus. And he will SEIZE IT. This is his JOURNEY TO THE EAST!
I remember when I named my child after my favorite whore
And this was the Prologue???!!!! This was amazing, I am honored to be friends with these gifted fuckers!!! Can't wait to read chapter 1!!!
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