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It's finally out! I've been waiting forever to see what your finished product would look like, and it's really really enjoyable! Great stuff, can't wait for the next one! Especially knowing how passionate you have been about this since the start of it <3
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Another fantastic issue! Both of these were great from start to finish, and I love the writing as well as the art and the horror movie vibe it has going for it from the very beginning.Everything here is top notch and it really deserves more attention!Great job!
That was really really good!!Art good, flow good, I like the characters, especially the introduction of the captain, and you avoided many of the most common writing pitfalls of first issues!Great stuffIf I am to nitpick, you do go a bit heavy on the mechanics and unique terms, and you don't adress what an ethereal is, but I still got the general gist and you got them across in a way that didn't feel too info-dumpy.The fight did lack stakes though, which made it hard to be invested in it, but it was serviceable as a showcase and you did tie it into his overall goal a little, I just wish we had had an actual malignant encounter to get a feel for who the enemy was besides brief glimpses in the flashbacks.Those are generally nitpicks though, as it doesn't end up too distracting from the issue, and I still have a clear feel for the characters and a basic idea of what the story will be!
Good start! Both art and story works really well, and it did a good job to set up some compelling drama right away! Good effort and looking forwards to the next issue ^^
I'm guessing the main villain is trans, since Bodil is a female name?It was very distracting though that his name, in a story about names, is Bodil Ipsen, aka the name of one of the most prominent Danish actresses.It feels like major oversight, and was hugely distracting, reading the story as a Scandinavian reader.
Great job! I don't really have any direct points if it where I felt it was lacking! Really good read and pleasant art style! Loved it!
*claps* great work! Loved it from start to finish. It does follow some classic tropes, buy does it in a way that doesn't feel cliché and the art is spot on!Its actually rather upsetting it's only a obeshot, I would love it to be a series!
Another great episode! I love the dynamic going on between the three of them, and the mystery so far feels both compelling and well paced to me, and the flow of panels went by with no problem ^^Great work, as always!
Really interesting concept! And it does raise some intellectual questions that put it above the usual lovebot story. I can't wait to see the series explore them further!The drawing style gets the job done and fits the story, also that old man at the end made me chuckle way more than he should have ^^
Some of these panels are truly stunning, and I already like seeing Mau get put in his place ;)
It's finally out! I've been waiting forever to see what your finished product would look like, and it's really really enjoyable! Great stuff, can't wait for the next one! Especially knowing how passionate you have been about this since the start of it <3
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