Sol vol. 1 version 0.2
1300 years ago the people of Mexico were slaves to there creators, known as the Nahuatl deities. A war ensued between humans and there creator for there freedom, were one of the deities known as Quetzalcoatl decided to defend humans by sacrificing her self to stop the rest of the deities, transforming them in stone statues, but they wouldn’t stay frozen for ever. Now in the twenty century the deities Finally awake, now a boy that got involved in that war by accident will have to help save the world, and soon find out that his parents had a big role on it.
Sol manga
A war that lasted 100 years between gods, good against evil. thought to have been lost in history now rises up again in the present day! A young boy gets involved in this war by acciden and soon he will know that his parents played a big part on it. Will good win ones again or evil will rule the world!?
Hay personas con habilidades sobrehumanas esas personas se llaman nahual, Los nahuales son brujos que tienen la habilidad de cambiar de forma a su Espíritu animal. Pero con el paso de Los años se desvanecieron misteriosamente. Es como Si la tierra se los aya tragado. Hay rumored de que aún viven entre nosotros, y hay leyendas que dicen que un descendiente nahual los guiará y los unirá nuevamente. Él o ellá será conocido como “la berdad del cielo”; y algunos dicen que así es como comienca esta historia.