Animated Opening:
The series of comic books that tells the main story of the Vitanium franchise. The story presents Doctor Jiro Okuhari, a scientist who is an expert in robotic and technological creations, who left Planet Earth to explore a completely isolated planet in order to build his next creations.
Will Doctor Jiro survive in this new planet and put his plans in action? What type of conflicts might the creations of machines and robots generate in this inhospitable environment? How far can we go until the intelligence of a mechanical being is no longer considered artificial? Those and other questions will be answered in the Vitanium Saga!
The series of comic books that tells the main story of the Vitanium franchise. The story presents Doctor Jiro Okuhari, a scientist who is an expert in robotic and technological creations, who left Planet Earth to explore a completely isolated planet in order to build his next creations.
Will Doctor Jiro survive in this new planet and put his plans in action? What type of conflicts might the creations of machines and robots generate in this inhospitable environment? How far can we go until the intelligence of a mechanical being is no longer considered artificial? Those and other questions will be answered in the Vitanium Saga!